Friday, January 27, 2012

The History of Frank The Tank

Alright, when i first bought Frank it had no brakes once so ever, no oil, no trans fluid, and a hole in the radiator. I Had to drive this rust bucket from Ottowa Wisconsin to downtown Waukesha which is about 15-20 miles of highway driving. With no brakes. so i get home after the scariest ride of my life and the first thing i do is run a new brake line and remove the old one that burst. (This by the way is how Frank got his name, because he is a tank as in nothing can stop him.) On the way home, i blew through 2 stop signs, a red light, and almost blew myself up. Funny story about the whole blowing up part, so I'm stopping at a gas station to get gas on the way home, I didn't realize how close the gas station was so didn't slow down as much as i should've considering i had no brakes. Anyway, i had to make a decision, keep going strait thru the red light and possibly die? or pull in the gas station and find a snow bank or something i could hit. I chose the gas station. As im comming in hot, i decided to go around the gas station to loose some momentum, as i make the slight left to go around the gas station i realize a fuel tanker is blocking the path. Now I'm scared, it's either blow up, or destroy someones car, but right at the last second i notice a small opening between 2 cars, i blow between them and crash in to a snow bank. yeah, good times. But basically this blog is going to be about what i myself have had to fix on my lovely 1987 chevy r10, and hopefully i can give you some tips on what to do to your chevys.

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